Young Adults

TEENAGERS Grade 10, 11 , 12

High school is the start of really using the knowledge you gain in school to start thinking about what you want to do in your life. We help you answer the questions.
What type of work would I like to pursue? What subjects do I need to study to pursue that career? Which schools and programs should I apply to? Which ones are right for me? Do I need to take a gap year and what will I do? Does this help me prepare for a career or work and save money for college/university?


College or university is not for you. What type of work would you enjoy? Where do you start? What is the labour market out there for different jobs? Are there short courses you can take? Do you stay in your city/town or move elsewhere? What are the things you need to consider?


You are at college or university and are beginning to question whether you are in the right program asking yourself,
Is this the right program or school for me? What else is out there? Where is this leading? Is it too late to change directions? Can I afford to make a change?


You have a college or university degree and the world of work has changed or shifted during your college years. You are not sure what to do with your degree or if what you have studied truly aligns with your interests, passions, and values. The Labour Market may be tight with a few jobs. You ask yourself “Where do I go from here?” “What are the opportunities in this field?”


Individualized one-on-one sessions where you will gain insights about yourself that will build a platform for you to explore careers that align with your dreams interests, and values.


Understanding factors that influence your career development and career choice. Getting to know yourself and having clarity on your career goal and direction. College is expensive – save time and money by making the best possible career decision. Moving straight to finding a job? Find the right job fit and work environment.

YOUR TAKE AWAY A Comprehensive Career Report including a Living Action Plan

Services Package

High School Students Exploration and Insights Package

Fari engages with her clients through a series of sessions covering specific fundamentals to successful career exploration.  Clients engage in exercise and activities to provide personal insight into their interests and identify different career paths. She is qualified to administer and interpret the results of the   Strong Interest Inventory Assessment tool which provides insights into the individuals’ career interests and helps to discover potential career paths.

  • 6 sessions with the individual covering background information, Skills Inventory Assessment, one-on-one Labour Market information, researching occupations of interest, developing a Goal Achievement Action Plan
  • 1 Feedback/wrap-up session with student and parent

FEE: $270.00CAD plus applicable taxes

Job Search skills

  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • Information and/or Interview Skills

FEE: $55.00CAD plus applicable taxes

College Students Reset Package

  • 5 sessions with the individual covering background information, Skills Inventory Assessment, one-on-one Labour Market information, researching occupations of interest, developing a Goal Achievement Action Plan

FEE: $235.00CAD plus applicable taxes

Job Search skills

  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • Information and/or Interview Skills
  • LinkedIn Profile

FEE: $175.00CAD plus applicable taxes

BOOK NOW: for a one time free 15 minutes consultation